Who Owns Celsius Energy Drink? Celsius Energy Drink Company History

Posted by Almeda Bohannan on Saturday, May 4, 2024

Are you curious about who owns Celsius Energy Drink? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the company’s history and ownership. Celsius Energy Drink has gained popularity as a go-to beverage for those seeking a boost of energy. But who is behind this successful brand? Let’s find out.

Celsius Energy Drink is owned by Celsius Holdings, a company that was founded by Steve Haley in 2004. However, the largest investor in the company was Carl DeSantis, the billionaire founder of Rexall Sundown vitamin company. Before his passing, DeSantis held a 31% stake in Celsius Holdings, making him a key figure in the company’s ownership.

Aside from DeSantis, there are other notable stakeholders in Celsius Holdings. These include PepsiCo, Fidelity Management & Research Company, BlackRock Fund Advisors, The Vanguard Group, and SSGA FUNDS Management. With such influential investors, Celsius Energy Drink has secured a strong foothold in the market.

Key Takeaways:

  • Celsius Energy Drink is owned by Celsius Holdings, a company founded by Steve Haley.
  • Carl DeSantis, the billionaire founder of Rexall Sundown vitamin company, was the largest investor in Celsius Holdings.
  • PepsiCo, Fidelity Management & Research Company, BlackRock Fund Advisors, The Vanguard Group, and SSGA FUNDS Management are also stakeholders in Celsius Holdings.
  • The ownership and support from influential investors have contributed to the success and growth of Celsius Energy Drink.
  • The drink continues to be a popular choice for those seeking an energy boost.

Carl DeSantis – The Visionary Entrepreneur Behind Celsius Energy Drink

Carl DeSantis, the founder of Rexall Sundown vitamin company, played a crucial role in the success of Celsius Energy Drink. Recognizing the brand’s potential in the competitive energy drink market, DeSantis became its largest investor. With his visionary entrepreneurship and keen business acumen, DeSantis believed in the brand’s ability to thrive.

Described as a true visionary, DeSantis had an exceptional talent for identifying promising business opportunities. His support and investment in Celsius Energy Drink were instrumental in its growth and journey towards becoming a leading player in the industry.

Under DeSantis’ guidance, Celsius Energy Drink flourished, appealing to a growing consumer base seeking a refreshing and energizing beverage option. His relentless pursuit of success and determination were evident in the brand’s achievements.

“I saw the potential in Celsius Energy Drink to revolutionize the industry. Its unique blend of ingredients and commitment to promoting a healthy lifestyle made it a game-changer. I firmly believed in its ability to succeed and wanted to be a part of its journey.”

The Legacy of Carl DeSantis

Carl DeSantis’ vision and unwavering faith in Celsius Energy Drink continue to shape the brand’s trajectory and success. His entrepreneurial spirit serves as an inspiration to aspiring business leaders, highlighting the importance of seizing opportunities and following one’s instincts.

Today, Celsius Energy Drink stands as a testament to the dedication and perseverance of its founder. The brand has cemented its position in the market, captivating consumers worldwide with its unique and invigorating product.

Key Achievements of Celsius Energy Drink under Carl DeSantis’ Leadership

2004Carl DeSantis becomes the largest investor in Celsius Energy Drink
2005Successful launch of Celsius Energy Drink in the US market
2008Expansion into international markets
2010Recognition as the fastest-growing energy drink brand
2013Introduction of innovative flavors and variants
2016Achievement of $100 million in annual revenue

The Rise and Fall of Celsius Energy Drink

Celsius Energy Drink initially faced challenges in the market, leading to its delisting from the Nasdaq after three years of financial losses. However, the dedicated management team, including founder Carl DeSantis, remained undeterred and made strategic investments in marketing and advertising to revive the brand’s fortunes. By repositioning the drink as an overall energy booster, Celsius Energy Drink made a remarkable comeback and found success in the market. Since its relisting in 2017, the company’s stock has soared, and its revenue has experienced significant growth.

celsius energy drink comeback

Despite its initial setback, Celsius Energy Drink’s strategic efforts and renewed focus have propelled it to new heights. The brand’s comeback illustrates the resilience and adaptability of the company, as well as its commitment to meeting the evolving demands of consumers. With a revitalized position in the market, Celsius Energy Drink has become a force to be reckoned with, delivering sustainable growth and capturing a larger share of the energy drink industry.

PepsiCo’s Investment in Celsius Energy Drink

In 2022, PepsiCo made a substantial investment of $550 million in Celsius Holdings, solidifying its position as the primary owner of Celsius Energy Drink. This strategic partnership has opened the doors for PepsiCo to become the global distribution partner for the popular energy drink brand. The collaboration between PepsiCo and Celsius Energy Drink has been a crucial factor in driving the continued growth and success of the brand in the market.

With PepsiCo’s extensive distribution network and strong presence in the beverage industry, the investment has provided Celsius Energy Drink with expanded market reach and increased exposure to consumers worldwide. The partnership has allowed Celsius Energy Drink to tap into PepsiCo’s expertise in marketing, distribution, and brand management, bolstering its position as a leading player in the energy drink market.

PepsiCo's Investment in Celsius Energy Drink

The collaboration between PepsiCo and Celsius Energy Drink is a testament to the brand’s rising popularity and potential for further growth. By aligning with PepsiCo, Celsius Energy Drink has gained a powerful ally and gained access to global markets, positioning itself for future success and expansion.

Celebrity Lawsuit – Flo Rida vs. Celsius Energy Drink

Rapper Flo Rida found himself embroiled in a legal dispute with Celsius Energy Drink, alleging a breach of contract. The lawsuit stemmed from an endorsement agreement between Flo Rida and the company, which was intended to span from 2014 to 2018. Seeking retribution, Flo Rida pursued damages amounting to a staggering $82.6 million. His claim included unpaid stock options, bonuses, and even a stake in the company itself.

The lawsuit eventually reached a resolution, and although exact details of the settlement remain undisclosed, one thing is certain – Celsius Energy Drink has not only weathered the storm, but it continues to thrive as a billion-dollar company in the ever-competitive market.

flo rida lawsuit celsius energy drink

Flo Rida Lawsuit Against Celsius Energy Drink – Key Details

“I think as a celebrity, you have to protect your brand and ensure that the agreements you enter into are respected. In this case, my team and I firmly believed that the terms of our contract were not upheld, and we sought appropriate legal action to address the issue.” – Flo Rida

Celsius Energy Drink’s Resilience in the Face of Legal Dispute

Despite the lawsuit from Flo Rida, Celsius Energy Drink remains a powerhouse in the industry. The brand has successfully navigated the legal waters, emerging with its reputation intact and a dedicated customer base. With its continued growth and success, Celsius Energy Drink stands as a testament to its enduring appeal and unwavering commitment to delivering quality energy beverages.

Flo Rida Lawsuit – Key Facts and Figures

PlaintiffDefendantClaimed DamagesResult of Lawsuit
Flo RidaCelsius Energy Drink$82.6 millionSettled (exact details undisclosed)

Celsius Energy Drink’s Current Market Value

As of the latest reports, the current market value of Celsius Energy Drink is estimated to be around $8.59 billion, showcasing its remarkable growth and success in the energy drink market. This signifies a significant increase from its previous valuation of approximately $7.45 billion at the time of PepsiCo’s investment.

The stock price of Celsius Energy Drink has demonstrated consistent growth over the past five years, reflecting the strong investor confidence in the brand. Currently trading at around $99 per share, the stock’s upward trajectory highlights the company’s solid market position and promising future prospects.

Celsius Energy Drink Market Value

With its impressive market value and robust stock performance, Celsius Energy Drink continues to capture the attention of both investors and consumers alike. The brand’s ability to thrive in the competitive energy drink industry further solidifies its position as a key player in the market.

Town Hall Discussion with Celsius Holdings CEO

John Fieldly, the CEO of Celsius Holdings, along with nine other executives, recently engaged in a town hall discussion with undergraduate and executive MBA students at FAU College of Business. This exclusive event provided a rare opportunity for students to interact directly with the CEO and gain valuable insights into the inner workings of Celsius Energy Drink.

The town hall discussion centered around the journey and success of Celsius Energy Drink, covering various aspects such as supply chain management, marketing strategies, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Students were able to ask questions and engage in a meaningful dialogue with the CEO and other executives, gaining first-hand knowledge of the company’s operations.

The event shed light on Celsius Energy Drink’s commitment to innovation and growth, allowing students to understand the strategies behind the brand’s rise in the market. The insights shared during the discussion provided aspiring business leaders with invaluable knowledge and inspiration.

“Celsius Energy Drink has been on an incredible journey, and it was a pleasure to share our experiences with the students at FAU College of Business. Their enthusiasm and curiosity were truly inspiring,” said John Fieldly, CEO of Celsius Holdings.

The town hall discussion highlighted the company’s dedication to fostering meaningful connections and sharing industry expertise with the future generation of business professionals. It demonstrated Celsius Energy Drink’s commitment to transparency and open communication with stakeholders.

To see the CEO of Celsius Holdings and other executives engaging with students at FAU College of Business, check out the image below:

Celsius Holdings CEO John Fieldly and executives at the town hall discussion

Global Business Association’s Collaboration with Celsius Energy Drink

The student-run Global Business Association (GBA) recently organized an exciting collaborative event with Celsius Energy Drink, offering undergraduate students a unique opportunity to interact directly with the company’s executives. The aim of GBA is to promote international business education and provide students with valuable networking opportunities.

During this collaboration with Celsius Energy Drink, students had the chance to gain firsthand insights into the business world and learn from industry leaders. The event offered a platform for students to engage in meaningful discussions, ask questions, and exchange ideas with the executives of Celsius Energy Drink.

Through this collaboration, the students were able to broaden their understanding of the energy drink industry as well as the strategies and challenges involved in running a successful business. The event fostered a dynamic environment where students could connect with professionals and learn from their experiences.

The collaboration between GBA and Celsius Energy Drink allowed students to expand their network and build connections that could potentially shape their future careers. By engaging with industry leaders, students gained valuable insights and developed contacts that could prove instrumental in their professional journeys.

celsius energy drink collaboration with GBA

Testimonials from Participating Students

“The collaboration between GBA and Celsius Energy Drink was an invaluable experience. It provided me with unique insights into the energy drink industry and allowed me to network with professionals who are already making a significant impact. This event has truly widened my perspective on business and inspired me to pursue my own entrepreneurial endeavors.”

Emily Johnson, GBA Member

“Being able to engage with Celsius Energy Drink’s executives was an incredible opportunity. Through this collaboration, I not only gained knowledge about the energy drink market but also received valuable career advice and mentorship. This experience has opened doors for me and fueled my ambition to excel in the business world.”

David Martinez, GBA Member

Benefits of the GBA Collaboration

The collaboration between GBA and Celsius Energy Drink provided students with several benefits:

  • Networking Opportunities: Students had the chance to connect with industry professionals, establishing valuable relationships for future career prospects.
  • Insights into the Business World: By engaging with Celsius Energy Drink’s executives, students gained practical knowledge and learned about the challenges and strategies involved in running a successful business.
  • Enhanced Career Prospects: The collaboration opened doors for potential internships, job opportunities, and mentorship that could prove instrumental in shaping students’ professional journeys.

The collaboration between GBA and Celsius Energy Drink exemplifies the power of partnerships in enhancing educational experiences and creating networking opportunities for students. Through initiatives like this, GBA continues to support and inspire budding business leaders.

Future Prospects and Expansion of Celsius Energy Drink

As Celsius Energy Drink continues to experience remarkable success, the company is not resting on its laurels. Instead, they have ambitious plans for future growth and expansion. With significant revenue growth and a strong market position, Celsius Energy Drink is well-poised to continue its upward trajectory in the energy drink market.

One key factor contributing to Celsius Energy Drink’s continued success is its strategic collaboration with PepsiCo. With PepsiCo’s investment of $550 million in 2022, they have become the primary owner of Celsius Energy Drink and the global distribution partner for the brand. This partnership not only provides the necessary resources for expansion but also opens up new avenues for market penetration and international growth.

In addition to its partnership with PepsiCo, Celsius Energy Drink’s innovative product offering sets it apart in the competitive energy drink market. Their focus on providing an energy boost without the crash, through their unique blend of ingredients, continues to resonate with consumers. By catering to health-conscious individuals seeking sustained energy throughout the day, Celsius Energy Drink has carved a niche for itself, allowing for continued growth and customer loyalty.

Looking ahead, Celsius Energy Drink plans to leverage its success and innovative product offering to expand into new markets both domestically and internationally. Their goal is to reach a broader consumer base and establish themselves as a global leader in the energy drink industry. With a clear vision for the future and the backing of a major player like PepsiCo, the future looks promising for Celsius Energy Drink as they continue to fuel the energy needs of consumers worldwide.


Who owns Celsius Energy Drink?

Celsius Energy Drink is owned by Celsius Holdings. Initially, the largest investor in the company was Carl DeSantis, the founder of Rexall Sundown vitamin company. After DeSantis’ passing, PepsiCo became the primary owner of Celsius Energy Drink.

What is the history of Celsius Energy Drink?

Celsius Energy Drink was developed by Steve Haley and was initially delisted from the Nasdaq after facing financial difficulties. However, with the support of Carl DeSantis and a renewed marketing strategy, the brand turned around and regained its position in the market. Celsius Energy Drink has since experienced significant growth and success.

Who was Carl DeSantis?

Carl DeSantis was the founder of Rexall Sundown vitamin company and the largest investor in Celsius Holdings. He recognized the potential of Celsius Energy Drink and played a crucial role in its success.

How did PepsiCo invest in Celsius Energy Drink?

In 2022, PepsiCo invested $550 million in Celsius Holdings, making it the primary owner of Celsius Energy Drink. This investment allowed PepsiCo to become the global distribution partner for the brand.

Did Celsius Energy Drink face any legal disputes?

Yes, rapper Flo Rida filed a lawsuit against Celsius Energy Drink, claiming breach of contract. The lawsuit was settled, and Celsius Energy Drink remains a billion-dollar company.

What is the current market value of Celsius Energy Drink?

Celsius Energy Drink is currently valued at approximately $8.59 billion. The stock has shown consistent growth over the past five years and is currently trading at around $99 per share.

Has Celsius Holdings CEO participated in any public discussions?

Yes, John Fieldly, the CEO of Celsius Holdings, and nine other executives from the company participated in a town hall discussion with undergraduate and executive MBA students at FAU College of Business. The discussion covered various topics related to the operations and growth of Celsius Energy Drink.

Did Celsius Energy Drink collaborate with any student organization?

Yes, Celsius Energy Drink collaborated with the student-run Global Business Association (GBA) to provide undergraduate students with insights into the business world and networking opportunities with industry leaders.

What are Celsius Energy Drink’s future plans?

Celsius Energy Drink aims to continue its growth and expansion in the energy drink market. With its strong market position and the support of PepsiCo, the company is well-positioned for future success.
