Why Did Jack Messina Leave Manifest? The Truth Behind Cals Exit

Posted by Almeda Bohannan on Saturday, May 4, 2024

Manifest fans were shocked by the twist in the season 3 finale, which revealed that Cal Stone, played by Jack Messina, had aged five years after touching the tailfin of Flight 828. The young actor, who had been a main cast member since the show’s debut in 2018, did not return for the fourth and final season of the sci-fi drama. Why did Jack Messina leave Manifest? Here are some possible reasons behind his departure.

Contract Issues

One of the factors that may have influenced Messina’s exit was his contract status. According to Screen Rant, Messina was among the actors who were in negotiations to return for season 4, which was picked up by Netflix after NBC canceled the show. However, it seems that he was unable to reach an agreement with the streaming service, as he confirmed on Twitter that he would not be joining the rest of the cast for filming.

It is possible that Messina wanted a higher salary or more creative input, which Netflix was not willing to offer. Alternatively, he may have had other commitments or projects that conflicted with Manifest’s production schedule. Whatever the case, it appears that Messina and Netflix could not find a common ground to continue working together.

Creative Decision

Another reason why Messina left Manifest was that his character’s arc had reached a natural conclusion. As showrunner Jeff Rake explained in an interview with TVLine, Cal’s aging was part of his original plan for the series, which he envisioned to span six seasons. He said that he wanted to explore the idea of a “twin paradox”, where Cal and his twin sister Olive would have different ages due to their involvement with Flight 828.

Rake also said that he wanted to give Cal a chance to grow up and have a normal life, after suffering from terminal leukemia and being haunted by visions for most of his childhood. He said that Cal’s transformation was “a gift” for him and his family, as well as for the audience who had grown to love him. He added that Cal would still play an important role in season 4, but with a different actor portraying him.

Fan Reaction

A third reason why Messina may have decided to leave Manifest was the fan reaction to his character’s change. While some fans were happy for Cal and curious about his future, others were disappointed and angry that Messina would no longer be part of the show. Some fans even started a petition to bring him back, which garnered over 2,000 signatures.

Messina may have felt hurt or overwhelmed by the negative feedback from some fans, who criticized his acting skills or blamed him for ruining the show. He may have also felt that he had no place in Manifest anymore, as his character had been replaced by a new actor. He may have wanted to distance himself from the drama and focus on other opportunities.


Jack Messina left Manifest for various reasons, including contract issues, creative decision, and fan reaction. He confirmed on Twitter that he would not be returning for season 4, and wished his former co-stars luck with filming. He also thanked Rake for letting him be part of the show, and expressed his gratitude to the cast, crew, and fans. He said that he learned a lot from his experience on Manifest, and that he would always be “connected” to them.

Messina is a talented young actor who has a bright future ahead of him. He has already starred in other projects, such as The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and Over/Under. He is also interested in working with comedians like Will Ferrell, Jim Carrey, or Tom Hanks. We wish him all the best in his career and hope to see him on screen again soon.

